Corporate Governance and Social Responsability

Corporate Governance

Our people are at the core of our focus. With a solid track record, diversified trading experience, and a strong financial background, we strive to execute all our deals with outmost professionalism.

Since the inception of the company, we put an emphasis on setting up best-practice processes in areas such as risk management, compliance, corporate responsibility and communication. Laying the right foundation, solid, stable and scalable is truly at the base of any success story.

We hedge all our risks, and do not keep any position open unless associated with a physical trade. Amongst these risks are price risk, currency risk and liquidity risk. Most importantly, each of these risks is identified before we commit to a trade and mitigated following strict processes.

Corporate Social Responsability

Our people are at the core of our focus. With a solid track record, diversified trading experience, and a strong financial background, we strive to execute all our deals with outmost professionalism.

Since the inception of the company, we put an emphasis on setting up best-practice processes in areas such as risk management, compliance, corporate responsibility and communication. Laying the right foundation, solid, stable and scalable is truly at the base of any success story.

We hedge all our risks, and do not keep any position open unless associated with a physical trade. Amongst these risks are price risk, currency risk and liquidity risk. Most importantly, each of these risks is identified before we commit to a trade and mitigated following strict processes.